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partnership between imec.istart and Pariter & RoboIT

Expanding Horizons: imec.istart Joins Pariter & RoboIT in Italy

Che avventura incredibile! It is with utmost excitement that we unveil a new partnership between imec.istart and Pariter & RoboIT, as we join forces to expand operations in Milan, Italy. We will take the RoboIT Business Creation program to new international heights, infusing it with imec.istart’s experience, expertise and extensive network.


Joint forces

This Business Creation program will offer an all-rounded support to emerging startups. On top of workshops and coaching activities, Pariter Partners and imec.istart will provide support in creating strategic connections with a joint startup community, international stakeholders, investors, market experts and key advisors, according to each team’s specific needs.


Kick-Off time!  

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we held a Kick-Off event in Milan to launch the Business Creation program. We had the pleasure connecting with the first two Italian startups of this joint portfolio: Soundsafe Care and ReWing.  
Together with Pariter, we aim to inspire the next generation of Italian entrepreneurs and leave a lasting mark on the Mediterranean entrepreneurial landscape. La vita è bella, and the future is even brighter! 

About Pariter 
Pariter Partners is an investment holding company that invests in early-stage entrepreneurial scientists and Deep Tech companies. It has built a novel ecosystem to transform innovation into an investable asset, connecting capital with outstanding research teams and entrepreneurial scientists. 
About RoboIT 
RoboIT is the first Italian technology transfer hub promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) Venture Capital and Pariter Partners, created with the collaboration of centers of excellence in robotics and automation research such as the Italian Institute of Technology (Hub), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Verona and the partners Leonardo S.p.A. and FI.L.S.E. S.p.A – Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico. 
RoboIT supports and invests in university spin-offs and innovative startups in the field of robotics, automation and mechatronics.